Masthead - title of the magazine, usually located in the top left of the cover.
Issue Number- the tally of how many issues of the magazine there has been.
Price- the cost of the magazine.
Date- the date the magazine is published for, usually weekly or monthly, weekly usually saturday to friday, monthly usually a month aheaed.
Barcode- read electronically by retailers and decoded into useful information.
Main Cover Line- Main feature- summarises the main point of the main feature.
Subtitle- smaller headline that may summarise the feature.
Cover Lines- Smaller feature- features included in the magazine.
Main image- the large image usually taking up about 1/2 - 2-3 of the magazine cover.
Smaller images- small images located on the cover.
Images are to make the page and magazine look more interesting.
Font- style and size of type face.
Colour- themes/stylistic.
Graphics- shapes to highlight specific features on the magazine e.g the coverlines.
Teaser- attention grabber.
Offers/adverts blurb- features free products/promotions etc.