Sunday 22 November 2009

Kerrang! Magazine Cover

Masthead - the masthead contains the magazine title in font, size and colour which is unique to the institution. The masthead is in black and white which is a conventional colour scheme for music magazines.
The masthead is overlapped by the main image, as 'kerrang!' is very popular and the masthead so recognisable they can afford to have some of the masthead covered as it can is still so easily recognised because it is already established.

Main Image -
the main image takes up over half the magazine cover and is overlapping the masthead. This is because the main image is to attract peoples attention and is probably the most important part of the cover as it sells the magazine.

Main coverline -
the main coverline is layered above the main image however not covering the main images main focus point. It is white writing on a black strip this is effective because it stands out and makes it look exciting, and makes the audience excited about the story inside that the main coveline supports. The Main coverline is also linked to the main image.

Coverlines -
the coverlines on this front cover are mainly located at the top and bottom of the magazine, again in black bars. There is only one other coverline other than the main cover line which is not located at the top or the bottom of the cover. All the coverlines on this magazine are on a solid background colour.

Small Images -
the small images are linked with one of the coverlines. The images make the cover look like there is more going on. It makes it look more eye catching. The small images preview a story inside the magazine.

Barcode -
a standard barcode for retailers.

Issue Number -
the issue number is on each issue of Kerrang! magazine it is just a number in order that the magazines where published.

Date and price -
the date is the week in which the magazine was published for and the price is the cost of the magazine.

Website Address - the web address is the institutions website.

Graphics- surrounding the small images and the coverlines to mahe them stand out and make them look a little more interesting.

Colour- the colours on this magazine are black, white, gold and grey.