Monday 9 November 2009


Media language is how the text is shown to the audience. In print production it is how the magazine is shown to us through its style and contents, e.g the use of image and captions to the image.

The institution is the company and people responsible for the production process who create media texts, they control the language used within the magazine, the ideology of the magazine, what the magazine represents (issues, individuals, groups) and they also choose the audience that they would like to target, the institute of the magazine will use the target audience that they think they will make the most money by targeting. An institution can be part of a company who own many media institutions called a corporation.

Ideology is the values and beliefs which guide our lives which we do not even realise we are following. It is what a society believes to be true and important.

The audience for a media text is who uses it, it is who the institution aims their text at. Target audiences are based commonly on age and gender.

Is how image, texts and sounds are used to show deeper meaning to a text than that which it simply means the representation. It is how people are represented within the text on things such as social class.