Monday 16 November 2009

NME Key Components

Magazine Header Bar - at the head of the magazine there is a red bar which which includes one of the main selling lines. This is located here because when the magazine is on the rack it will stand out and the institution has seen this cover line as one which will attract attention and make people want to buy the magazine.

Masthead - the masthead is the title of the magazine, it is a unique font in which is recognisably NME. This is also located at the top so people can see that it is NME when on a magazine rack.

Selling Line - the selling line on this magazine cover is saying what the magazine name NME stands for.

Main Image - the main image is very large and takes up most of the cover. This image is what catches the eye of potential customers as the person on the covers eyes are making eye contact with the camera.

Website - the name of the magazines web address.

Price - how much the magazine costs this is important as it has to cater for the target audience the institution has chosen to target.

Dateline - w/c, month and year that the magazine is published for.

Bar code - standard bar code for retailers.

Main Cover Line - this is the cover line which is linked to the main image and is usually the main story. It is very large and in 2 different layers with different font sizes and colours.

Footer Bar - at the foot of the magazine there is a bar containing another cover line.

Cover lines - there are many cover lines on this page, these tell us what is inside the magazine.

Small Images - these are small images which dont take too much attention away from the main image which are linked to some of the cover lines.

Colour- the colour scheme for this magazine consists of four colours, yellow, red, black and white. The contents other than the images are made up dominantly of these 4 colours.

Graphics- surrounding many of the coverlines and small images there are graphics to make them stand out.