Monday 23 November 2009

Q Magazine Cover

Coverlines - the coverlines on this front cover are in red, black and white. This matches the masthead and i think adds consistancy to the front cover of the magazine.

Main Image - the main image take up most of the magazine cover and consists of a band. The band is making eye contact with the viewer of the cover in order to engage them and draw attention.

Masthead - the Q masthead is different to most magazine mastheads. Q is only in the top left corner of the magazine cover and takes up a small section of the cover. However because it is so different to other magazine covers it is unique. It makes Q magazine easily recognisable.

Selling line- 'Britains biggest music magazine', the selling line is to add a selling point to the magazine in this case it is telling us it is the biggest magazine in Britain, this will make people want to buy this magazine as it is trying to show us it is better than any other music magazine.

Main Cover Line- the main cover line on this cover is in two different colours, this is to make the cover line stand out as the institution see this as the main story and the one people want to read. The main cover line is usually linked to the main image and is usually what the institution believes will sell the magazine issue.

Barcode- standard barcode for retailers.

Price- the price of the magazine, this is important to the target audience.

Date- the month and year the publication is for.

Website Address- the institutions website address.

Colour- the colour scheme on this magazine is mainky black, red and white.

Graphic- there is a graphic behind one of the coverlines to make the cover look a little more interesting.