Sunday 6 December 2009

Conventions of a Music Magazine Cover

Main Image- usually a musical artist which takes up about 2/3's of the magazine cover. Their is usually something original about the main image such as the way the band are standing, sitting or what they are doing.

Masthead- depends on the genre of the magazine but is usually located on the top left of the magazine cover and is often integrated into the main image.

Coverlines- there are usually many coverlines on a magazine cover dotted around to tell us what stories are inside the magazine.

Main Cover line- is usually supported by a subtitle to describe the main feature, these are usually in different font size and colour.

Graphics- graphics are used to emphasise features on the magazine cover and also to make the magazine cover look a lot more interesting.

Colour- on most music magazine covers there is a colour scheme usually consisting of 3 or 4 colours, the most common colour scheme is red, black and white.

Selling Line- music magazines often have a selling line usually giving us a little more information than the masthead does, it often says something which will make the audience want to buy the magazine.

Website- the website of the institution which publishes the magazine is usually displayed on the magazine cover.

Price- the price is usually

Dateline- month or week which the magazine is published for.

Barcode- a standard barcode so the magazine can be sold by retailers.