Wednesday 30 December 2009



These are the images I have taken for my magazine.

Tuesday 22 December 2009

IT drafts

The bottom design is the design i will use for my magazine front cover.

Basics of My Magazine Cover

The Genre my magazine will cover is drum and bass. I have chosen to cover this genre as I have an interest in this genre personally.


I have chosen to call my magazine 'Beatwave', this is because it is strongly linked to the genre 'referring to the drum beats in the genre of music. I have also chosen this name because it is short, snappy and because it is strongly related to the genre my magazine is covering is appealing to the target audience.

Cover Lines
The main cover line will be of a band called 'thirteen inch' I chose to call the band this as it is a short name which gets people wondering more about the band, such as why they are called thirteen inch, which would hopefully attract readers into purchasing the magazine to read inside. Other coverlines will be music related.

Colour Scheme
I am going to use a yellow, black and white colour scheme. I have chosen to use black and white as it is conventional of music magazines, however I am also going to use yellow, I have chosen yellow because it is a bright, exciting colour representing that of the exciting genre of drum and base.

The price of my magazine will be £1.70 which will be displayed near the barcode. I have chosen £1.70 as I believe this price is necessary for the aim of my magazine which is to provide an affordable weekly magazine for the working and middle class but still be able to be profitable.

The models i will be using for my magazine will be representative of the drum and bass genre. Just everyday people in an everyday environment. The models will be dominant from the background.

Friday 18 December 2009

Drawn First Drafts

My magazine Target Audience

The target audience for my magazine is as follows:
Working/middle class, this magazine is going to be affordable for the working and middle class, at £1.70 per issue. I would use medium quality paper for my magazine to allow it to be profitable without looking too cheap. It is aimed towards drum and bass fans, aged between 16 and 35, my magazine is going to appeal to them through the yellow, black and white colour scheme. The fonts and colour scheme should appeal to the drum and bass fans as it is exciting and colourful; just like the music. My magazine aims towards both genres.

  • Drum and Bass fans
  • Aiming towards both genders
  • 16-35 years old
  • Exciting and colourful individuals

My magazine

  1. Drum and Base Genre
  2. Weekly Magazine
  3. Yellow/Black/White colour Scheme
  4. Magazine Name: Beatwave
  5. Rounded Fonts

Thursday 17 December 2009

Wednesday 16 December 2009


Target Audience

The Word Target Audience
  • Rock Fans
  • Age 25-45
  • Mainly male, although has female interests
  • Middle Class
  • Simple and formal individuals
Mojo Magazine Target Audience
  • Classic rock fans
  • Age 30-55
  • Male dominance
  • Middle class
  • Older, adventurous individuals
Smash Hits Target Audience
  • Pop fans
  • Age 14-30
  • Mainly Female dominance however almost equal interest for males/
  • Middle Class
  • Young, Fun individuals

Textual Analysis 'The Word' Double Page Spread

Textual Analysis 'RWD' Double Page Spread

The image on this double page spread takes up about two thirds of the the spread. The image is of the group 'The Black Eyed Peas', however the image is telling us that the page is about Will-I-am, a member of the black eyed peas as he is in full cover where as the other members of the group are faded. The title of the story on the pages is not very large but reads 'will he won't he?' relating to the name of the artist. The colour scheme of the page is gold, silver, black and white, this relates to cleanness and modernness.

There is not much to suggest which magazine this double page is from, however there is a web address which is trying to get people to visit the institutions website. 

The ideas behind this double page spread is that of fans of the hip-hop genres. The ideas are modern ideas and hip hop is a very modern genre. The colour scheme being gold, silver, white and black represents the likes of the modern people as white space has become very popular in many different things such as properties, facilities as it gives off a clean modern feel, which I believe the magazine is trying to achieve with this double page spread.

The target audience of this magazine is the younger generation who are fans of the hip hop genre. I think the magazine is mainly aimed at the working class and middle class people as these are the people who listen too 'party' music, which this genre is often referred too. I think the magazine is aimed at male and female audiences as page is a of a neutral colour scheme and the genre represents both genders.

Reader Profile
Age 16- 25 
Working or middle class
Male and Female
Hip Hop  

The page is representing the artist as young which is shown through the colour scheme. They are also represented as being individual as each one of the group have a totally different look to each other and do not dress 'normal'. This is representing them, the genre and the audience, who are likely to want to be very individual too.

Textual Analysis 'NME' Double Page Spread

The image on the double page spread takes up over half of the spread. This makes the double page spread attractive to the audience. Most People of the target audience do not like to read pages full of words. People like to look at images as they help the people create an image of a story which allows people to get into the writing easier. The heading of the page is in a large font and takes up about one third of the left page. The title stands out from the page as it is large, in white writing on the dark background of the image. The image and text together create sort of a young persons 'normal feel' to show a casual, this reflecting the type of the band the story is covering. The text on this double page spread is in around a size 11 font which is conventional of magazines. The headings are in a larger font. There is an interesting quote to make people want to read the story, the quote is in bigger writing and stands out to draw the readers attention.

We can tell from the double page spread that this is from the magazine 'NME'. We can tell this because the logo is shown in the bottom right of the image close to the page number. This is just a little reminder to the reader what the magazine is and therefore does not have to be very large, it also makes the magazine look more professional. In the top right corner there is also a feature logo which occurs in the magazine each issue this has become recognizable to the 'NME' institution.

The ideas behind this is the new music lovers. The double page spread shows us that the magazine this is from is concentrating on mainly indie or alternative rock. The ideas behind this is the modern basic feel of the spread, conventional but also with some bright colour in parts. This I feel represents the beliefs of the indie fans which is a genre of music in which the singing is basic, but the lyrics are meaningful and the instruments in the back are bright sounding.

From this double page spread we can tell what audience the institution is aiming to target with this magazine. I would say due mainly down to the image, I would say is aimed at the young adult generation, I would say casual working or middle class people due to the situation shown in the image and the genre is mainly aimed at these social classes. I think the magazine is aimed at mainly men as everybody in the image are men and also the text is quite square and rugged.

Reader Profile
Age 18-30
Working or middle class
Mainly male
Casual genre's
Indie or alternative rock

This page represents young people, I think mainly students. I think the party situation of the main image appeals mainly to students who are known to party. The young people are represented as people who like to enjoy themselves but are quite knowledgeable due to the structure of the pages.

Textual Analysis 'Kerrang!' Contents Page

The page title on this contents page is not a large font however stands out due to the change in background colour for the heading, this makes the yellow title colour to stand out. All of the section titles also have a change in background colour, this allows them to stand out a little more than the story headings and sub-headings. Most of the page is employed by many pictures. The pictures on this page are to make the page look more attractive. The colour scheme is yellow and black which is attractive but does not make more areas of the page stand out. The font is basic, simple and readable.

The institution displays a subscription offer on this page to subscribe to their magazine.

This page is to navigate the reader around the magazine. The images are all ideological of the metal genre.

Due to the boldness of the text and the musical genre I believe that the magazine is aimed more towards men. I think due to the colour scheme that the magazine is aimed at 25- 40 year olds, as it quite dull and basic.

The images on this magazine are representative of the metal genre. The images are all of bands, in action or in a seperate photo shoot and an image of an album. This represents the artists lives, normal when not performing, wild when performing and the album represents that they make music.

On this page in the centre there are two images, these images are to give the audience a preview of some of the stories in the inner pages. The Heading to the page, says 'THIS WEEK', this is clearly showing to the reader that this is the contents page. There is the institutions loge and the colour scheme from this logo is kept consistent with the page which is using the same colour of red black and white. The heading to each section of story headings are bold compared to the headings and subheadings them selves as they are in inverted colours and a bolder font than the headings and subheadings.

There is the institutions logo at the top of the page, they have displayed this again on this page in order to keep the logo recognisably their institution by drilling it into peoples minds by displaying it. The colour scheme of this magazine is also representational of the institution as it matches that of the noticeable institution logo.

The ideology of this contents page is not to look attractive but to make it look like there is a lot going on in the magazine and to navigate the reader around the magazine much more simply, this is something every magazine reader wants.

I think the target audience for this magazine is prominently male due to the bold text and colours displayed on this contents page. I also think judging by the images that it is aimed at fans of the rock genre and for people between 18 and 40.

I believe by the images on the page are representing musical artists, in a performance situation, we can tell this due to the musical instruments lighting in the background, microphone and music stand. They are representing the 'indie' style with their smart casual dress look.

Textual Analysis 'Mixmag' Contents Page

The contents page for 'mixmag' has 3 images which are linked to stories inside, these are the most dominant pictures of the page. This is to make the page look attractive by filling up much of the page, while providing useful information with the page numbers. All the written main information of a contents page is in the left third of the magazine, the font on this page is attractive but nothing to fancy, it is still readable. The page title is small but stands out as it is yellow on a black background. The section title on the left is in pink which separates it from the page title and subtitles.

The institution displays their website in the bottom corner of the contents page. This is to try and get people to visit the website.

The ideology behind this page is simply to provide the reader with a page in which they can refer, to navigate them around the magazine.

I think this magazine targets both male and female readers, this is due to the balance of masculine and feminine features on the magazine. The images look like they could be aimed more at men as they are quite dull and one is displaying alcohol, however the font is feminine as it is a curly attractive shape and there is pink text included, which is seen as a feminine colour. I believe the images are representing the 'indie' and 'pop, genre so therefore the audience would be of modern music.

I believe the images on this page represent the young 'indie and pop' genre, these are two of the most popular genres in todays society and I believe these images are representing the modern genres artists.

Monday 14 December 2009

Kerrang! Textual Analysis

The masthead on this magazine is integrated with the main image, the institution of this magazine in the masthead is recognisable and established which allows the institution to cover part of the masthead. The masthead shows us the genre of the magazine which is an aggressive genre, this is shown because the masthead has been given a shattered and tatty look. The colour scheme is black, white and red to also to represent the aggressive style of music 'metal'. The models on the front cover are all making eye contact engaging us into the magazine cover. The coverlines on this magazine cover, cover the whole width of the magazine from left to right and are layed with a graphic behind to make them stand out, which allows them to keep a dull, aggressive theme but also allows them to make the coverline stand out. There is 4 small images which appear in the inner pages to make the cover look more exciting. I believe the red graphic is to represent anger which is another emotion linked with the metal genre.
The institution makes the magazine look recognisable of the institution, the masthead is recognisably the kerrang institution as it spreads across the magazine, TV channel and the webisite. The colour scheme of the magazine and the fonts on the magazine cover stay the same, I believe this makes the magazine more recognisably the institution.
This magazine cover is ideological of the metal genre, it is showing aggression and anger, which is what metal is related too. The magazine is ideological of the audience as it gives them what they want to see.
The front cover is representative of the target audience for all magazines. If the cover did not attract the target audience it wouldn't be a successful magazine. This magazine has quite a dull, plain colour scheme, this reflects the people who follow the genre of music. I believe it represents 'the musical darkside' which is metal music. I think the magazine is aimed at followers of the metal genre. I think the magazine is aimed at a wide variety of age but mainly aims the magazine at 14-40 year olds. The cover price of the magazine is £1.90 and the magazine is a weekly magazine I think this magazine is aimed more towards the working - middle class. Due to the dark colour scheme I believe that the magazine is aimed more towards males.

Reader profile
  • 14-40
  • Male
  • Metal Fans
  • Working - middle class
The models on this front cover are representing the metal genre. 'Metal heads' are represented as 'different' in society, not in an insulting way, this is refering to there experimental personality, this is shows as each model is doing something different, one model is looking aggressive, one is wearing a mask, oone is happy and 2 are serious, there is varied emotion all over the page, which represents the audience.

Friday 11 December 2009

NME Cover Textual Analysis

The main image on this magazine is very engaging as the artist is making eye contact with the camera shot. The shot is a medium close up. It takes up most of the cover and is the dominant figure on the cover. The genre of the magazine is indie, we can tell this through the components of the magazine, the main image, the small images and the coverlines all suggest, a sophisticated and moving way of music, the genre is 'indie' rock. This is a very modern genre which is reflected through the bright colour scheme of the magazine, the colour scheme is red, yellow, black and white which is bright young and modern. This colour scheme helps the coverlines all stand out from each other and the rest of the cover. Some of the coverlines are placed in front of graphics to make them stand out. The fonts on the magazine are very bold and readable. There are also 2 smaller images on the cover displaying 2 other 'indie' bands which feature inside the magazine.

The institution who makes the magazine is recognisable NME. NME are an established institution with a very recognisable masthead. Because the masthead is so recognisable it can have the nain image overlapping as people can tell what it is without all of the masthead showing. The masthead on this magazine is an abbreviation of New Musical Express, I believe they chose to call themselves NME as it is simpler and easier to say, it is also more attractive and can easily fit on the magazine cover in a large font.

This cover is ideological to the 'indie' rock genre. The artist on the front creates 'indie' music and the cover lines are all 'indie' related.

The front cover is representative of the target audience for all magazines. If the cover did not attract the target audience it wouldn't be a successful magazine. The magazine is quite bright and young looking, however still looks quite structured and sophistacated. Because the magazine is bright but is still sophisticated i believe the target age is 16-35 year olds. I think the magazine is aimed at males because it has a more masculine look with the fonts being bold and sharp. The magazine is obviously aimed at 'indie' fans. I think the magazine is aimed at people who are fun but still quite sophisticated. NME is a weekly magazine priced at £2.20 this is quite expensive to be paying weekly, so therefore i believe the magazine is aimed more towards the middle class and students.

Reader Profile
  • Mainly Male
  • 16-35
  • Indie fans
  • Fun and sophisticated
  • Middle Class

The model is represented as an 'indie' rocker. We can tell this because of his long hair and facial hair and although we cant see exactly what he is wearing we can see he is wearing a scalf, scalfs are very 'indie'looking and with the other parts of the magazine cover we can see he is representing an 'indie' rockstar. He is the dominant figure on the magazine and looks sophisticated and in control.

Tuesday 8 December 2009

Q Front Cover textual analysis

The main image on this magazine cover is the band 'Oasis'. This image shows the genre of the magazine, it does this because the band are dressed casual. The picture is a mid shot taken straight on from the models. The models are looking straight at the camera, this draws the viewer into the image. The props and costume makes the band look casual, this shows us that the magazine is going to be covering a casual genre of music. The casual genres of music are rock and pop, which I believe are the genres the magazine covers. The masthead on this magazine cover is also very basic and simple again reflecting the genre of music and the target audience, which are casual. The coverlines on this magazine are all about rock or pop music and stand out from the background, however they are in basic colours and font, the font is formal and easily readable as is the writing colour, white on the dark background and black on the white background. The main coverlines retains the simple them as this again is in a basic font, is in grey but just in a larger font, this ensures it stands out from the other coverlines however is still very simple. The masthead and header and footer of the cover are in red with black text. This is again very simple however makes the cover look a little more exciting than if it was in black and white. The whole colour scheme is very conventional. I believe this cover is very consistent and well balanced in colour for the genre I think it is suited well to the audience.
The masthead on this cover is very recognisable to the institution which is 'Q', it is so recognisable of the institution as it is so original and simple however is different to most magazine mastheads. It is a small masthead just consisting of one letter, the masthead does not stretch across the cover from left to right like most magazine and this stays consistent through each issue of the magazine. Because the masthead is so recognisable to the well established institution it does not matter that the main image is slightly covering the masthead, because people will still recognise it because of the font and colour scheme which can be seen.

This cover is ideological to the rock and pop genre. It is simple, casual but yet still attractive, which is how the rock and pop genre movements are seen to be, this music guides the fans of this genres life because they are casual just like the genre. The band in the main images of magazine often are powerful on how people who like the genre dress, the band are dressed casually and how most people who like the genre also dress so is ideological of the target audience.
The front cover represents the target audience for the magazine. We can tell from this magazine that the magazine audience is people who like rock and pop music we can tell this because it is quite casual music and nothing outrageous, which is just like the cover which is simple but attractive. I believe because of the simple layout, colour scheme and font, the magazine cover looks sophisticated therefore I believe the age of the target audience is 18-40 year old. I also believe that the magazine is aimed more at men due to the colour scheme being simple and dull, I think if it was aimed at females the colour scheme would be more complex and feminine. I also believe it is aimed more towards men as the letter font is quite bold and square which is related to masculinity and if it were to be aimed at women would have to more curvey and less bold. It is a monthly magazine and the cover price is £3.80, I believe this is quite expensive and therefore probably targets people more in the middle class who have some disposable income. I also think the magazine may be trying to target University students as it is sophisticated and a young adults magazine.

Reader Profile
  • Likes Rock and Pop
  • Age between 18-40
  • Mainly male
  • Casual, sophisticated individuals, maybe students
  • Middle class


The band 'Oasis' on the front cover is represented to be sophisticated yet casual. Theyre dressed smart casual but also cool, with the sunglasses. The band look 'cool' and relaxed although they look important with the serious faces and the eye contact to draw you in. They are represented in such a way because they follow the genre of music the magazine is about. The representation also creates a sense as though if you by the magazine you can be like them if you buy the magazine.

Mind Map

Conventions of a Music Magazine Contents Page

Title- showing that it is a contents page.

Page Numbers- page number next to the story.

Headings- title of stories.

Sub-headings- brief description of the story inside.

Image- of an inside story, makes it look more attractive.

Date- publication date of the magazine.

Introduction- brief introduction to the magazine usually written by the editor.

Monday 7 December 2009

NME Contents Page

Title- 'This Week' because it is a weekly magazine it says this week, so it shows the reader what is in this weeks magazine.
Date- the publication date.
Section Title- Title of the section of the magazine.
Heading- title of a story inside.
Sub-Heading- a brief description of the story.
Page Number- the page number of the story inside.
Institution- the institutions logo.
Images- images of the stories inside.
Introduction Story- begining of an exciting piece of news to draw the reader in.
Offer- subscription offer.

Kerrang Contents Page

Title- showing the reader that it is the contents page.
Issue Number- the issue number of the magazine.
Date- the cover date of the publication.
Quote from an Artist- a quote from a musical artist.
Section Title- the title of a section of a magazine.
Story Title- title of a story inside.
Page Number- page number of a story inside.
Magazine Offer- a subscription offer.
Magazine Cover- thumbnail of the magazine cover.
Message from the Editor- an introduction to the issue from the editor.
Small Image- of some of the stories.
Sub-Heading- a brief description of the story.
Heading- Story title.

Mixmag Contents Page

Date- the date of the publicatpion.
Title- showing that it is the contents page.
Small image- of magazine front cover.
Section Title- the title of the group of pages.
Section sub-title- a little more information about the section.
Page number- the page number which the story is on.
Story heading- the heading of the story inside.
Sub-heading- a small piece of information about the inside story.
Date- date of the publication.
Large Image- large image from an inside story.
Smaller Images- smaller images from inside stories.
Caption- saying what the picture is of.
Website- the institutions website.

Conventions of a Music Magzine Double Page Spread

-Large Image taking up around half of the double page spread.

-Text easy to read, basic font.

-Important bits highlighted, by graphics.

-Page number.

-Institution in bottom corner.

-Title stands out, large and easy to read.

-Text arranged in paragraphs usually with a title for each paragraph.

NME Double Page Spread

Section of the magazine is just a graphic to show the reader what section of the magazine they are reading.

Main quote the main quote is the main quote from the band.

The page number is just the number of the page in order of page side.

The institution logo is in the bottom corner of the page.

The text is in a formal, simple, black and white font which makes it easy to read.

The caption is just telling us what the picture is of.

The image takes up just over 1/2 of the double page spread and is of the band.

The band name takes up a large section of the left side of the double page spread. It stands out from the image behind.

RWD Double Page Spread

The Quote from the artist is what is believed to be an exciting quote, this is why it stands out from the rest of the page, this quote is white text on a black background, where as the rest of the text is black on a white background.
The text on this page is in a basic formal font, this makes the text easily readable.
The page number is just the page number of the page done in order of the pages.
The image is powerful and take up about 2/3's of the double page spread.
Page Title is the title of the story on the page again this is large and stands out.
The sub-heading is a small description to support the heading.

Sunday 6 December 2009

Conventions of a Music Magazine Cover

Main Image- usually a musical artist which takes up about 2/3's of the magazine cover. Their is usually something original about the main image such as the way the band are standing, sitting or what they are doing.

Masthead- depends on the genre of the magazine but is usually located on the top left of the magazine cover and is often integrated into the main image.

Coverlines- there are usually many coverlines on a magazine cover dotted around to tell us what stories are inside the magazine.

Main Cover line- is usually supported by a subtitle to describe the main feature, these are usually in different font size and colour.

Graphics- graphics are used to emphasise features on the magazine cover and also to make the magazine cover look a lot more interesting.

Colour- on most music magazine covers there is a colour scheme usually consisting of 3 or 4 colours, the most common colour scheme is red, black and white.

Selling Line- music magazines often have a selling line usually giving us a little more information than the masthead does, it often says something which will make the audience want to buy the magazine.

Website- the website of the institution which publishes the magazine is usually displayed on the magazine cover.

Price- the price is usually

Dateline- month or week which the magazine is published for.

Barcode- a standard barcode so the magazine can be sold by retailers.