Wednesday 16 December 2009

On this page in the centre there are two images, these images are to give the audience a preview of some of the stories in the inner pages. The Heading to the page, says 'THIS WEEK', this is clearly showing to the reader that this is the contents page. There is the institutions loge and the colour scheme from this logo is kept consistent with the page which is using the same colour of red black and white. The heading to each section of story headings are bold compared to the headings and subheadings them selves as they are in inverted colours and a bolder font than the headings and subheadings.

There is the institutions logo at the top of the page, they have displayed this again on this page in order to keep the logo recognisably their institution by drilling it into peoples minds by displaying it. The colour scheme of this magazine is also representational of the institution as it matches that of the noticeable institution logo.

The ideology of this contents page is not to look attractive but to make it look like there is a lot going on in the magazine and to navigate the reader around the magazine much more simply, this is something every magazine reader wants.

I think the target audience for this magazine is prominently male due to the bold text and colours displayed on this contents page. I also think judging by the images that it is aimed at fans of the rock genre and for people between 18 and 40.

I believe by the images on the page are representing musical artists, in a performance situation, we can tell this due to the musical instruments lighting in the background, microphone and music stand. They are representing the 'indie' style with their smart casual dress look.