Friday 11 December 2009

NME Cover Textual Analysis

The main image on this magazine is very engaging as the artist is making eye contact with the camera shot. The shot is a medium close up. It takes up most of the cover and is the dominant figure on the cover. The genre of the magazine is indie, we can tell this through the components of the magazine, the main image, the small images and the coverlines all suggest, a sophisticated and moving way of music, the genre is 'indie' rock. This is a very modern genre which is reflected through the bright colour scheme of the magazine, the colour scheme is red, yellow, black and white which is bright young and modern. This colour scheme helps the coverlines all stand out from each other and the rest of the cover. Some of the coverlines are placed in front of graphics to make them stand out. The fonts on the magazine are very bold and readable. There are also 2 smaller images on the cover displaying 2 other 'indie' bands which feature inside the magazine.

The institution who makes the magazine is recognisable NME. NME are an established institution with a very recognisable masthead. Because the masthead is so recognisable it can have the nain image overlapping as people can tell what it is without all of the masthead showing. The masthead on this magazine is an abbreviation of New Musical Express, I believe they chose to call themselves NME as it is simpler and easier to say, it is also more attractive and can easily fit on the magazine cover in a large font.

This cover is ideological to the 'indie' rock genre. The artist on the front creates 'indie' music and the cover lines are all 'indie' related.

The front cover is representative of the target audience for all magazines. If the cover did not attract the target audience it wouldn't be a successful magazine. The magazine is quite bright and young looking, however still looks quite structured and sophistacated. Because the magazine is bright but is still sophisticated i believe the target age is 16-35 year olds. I think the magazine is aimed at males because it has a more masculine look with the fonts being bold and sharp. The magazine is obviously aimed at 'indie' fans. I think the magazine is aimed at people who are fun but still quite sophisticated. NME is a weekly magazine priced at £2.20 this is quite expensive to be paying weekly, so therefore i believe the magazine is aimed more towards the middle class and students.

Reader Profile
  • Mainly Male
  • 16-35
  • Indie fans
  • Fun and sophisticated
  • Middle Class

The model is represented as an 'indie' rocker. We can tell this because of his long hair and facial hair and although we cant see exactly what he is wearing we can see he is wearing a scalf, scalfs are very 'indie'looking and with the other parts of the magazine cover we can see he is representing an 'indie' rockstar. He is the dominant figure on the magazine and looks sophisticated and in control.