Monday 14 December 2009

Kerrang! Textual Analysis

The masthead on this magazine is integrated with the main image, the institution of this magazine in the masthead is recognisable and established which allows the institution to cover part of the masthead. The masthead shows us the genre of the magazine which is an aggressive genre, this is shown because the masthead has been given a shattered and tatty look. The colour scheme is black, white and red to also to represent the aggressive style of music 'metal'. The models on the front cover are all making eye contact engaging us into the magazine cover. The coverlines on this magazine cover, cover the whole width of the magazine from left to right and are layed with a graphic behind to make them stand out, which allows them to keep a dull, aggressive theme but also allows them to make the coverline stand out. There is 4 small images which appear in the inner pages to make the cover look more exciting. I believe the red graphic is to represent anger which is another emotion linked with the metal genre.
The institution makes the magazine look recognisable of the institution, the masthead is recognisably the kerrang institution as it spreads across the magazine, TV channel and the webisite. The colour scheme of the magazine and the fonts on the magazine cover stay the same, I believe this makes the magazine more recognisably the institution.
This magazine cover is ideological of the metal genre, it is showing aggression and anger, which is what metal is related too. The magazine is ideological of the audience as it gives them what they want to see.
The front cover is representative of the target audience for all magazines. If the cover did not attract the target audience it wouldn't be a successful magazine. This magazine has quite a dull, plain colour scheme, this reflects the people who follow the genre of music. I believe it represents 'the musical darkside' which is metal music. I think the magazine is aimed at followers of the metal genre. I think the magazine is aimed at a wide variety of age but mainly aims the magazine at 14-40 year olds. The cover price of the magazine is £1.90 and the magazine is a weekly magazine I think this magazine is aimed more towards the working - middle class. Due to the dark colour scheme I believe that the magazine is aimed more towards males.

Reader profile
  • 14-40
  • Male
  • Metal Fans
  • Working - middle class
The models on this front cover are representing the metal genre. 'Metal heads' are represented as 'different' in society, not in an insulting way, this is refering to there experimental personality, this is shows as each model is doing something different, one model is looking aggressive, one is wearing a mask, oone is happy and 2 are serious, there is varied emotion all over the page, which represents the audience.