Wednesday 16 December 2009

Textual Analysis 'NME' Double Page Spread

The image on the double page spread takes up over half of the spread. This makes the double page spread attractive to the audience. Most People of the target audience do not like to read pages full of words. People like to look at images as they help the people create an image of a story which allows people to get into the writing easier. The heading of the page is in a large font and takes up about one third of the left page. The title stands out from the page as it is large, in white writing on the dark background of the image. The image and text together create sort of a young persons 'normal feel' to show a casual, this reflecting the type of the band the story is covering. The text on this double page spread is in around a size 11 font which is conventional of magazines. The headings are in a larger font. There is an interesting quote to make people want to read the story, the quote is in bigger writing and stands out to draw the readers attention.

We can tell from the double page spread that this is from the magazine 'NME'. We can tell this because the logo is shown in the bottom right of the image close to the page number. This is just a little reminder to the reader what the magazine is and therefore does not have to be very large, it also makes the magazine look more professional. In the top right corner there is also a feature logo which occurs in the magazine each issue this has become recognizable to the 'NME' institution.

The ideas behind this is the new music lovers. The double page spread shows us that the magazine this is from is concentrating on mainly indie or alternative rock. The ideas behind this is the modern basic feel of the spread, conventional but also with some bright colour in parts. This I feel represents the beliefs of the indie fans which is a genre of music in which the singing is basic, but the lyrics are meaningful and the instruments in the back are bright sounding.

From this double page spread we can tell what audience the institution is aiming to target with this magazine. I would say due mainly down to the image, I would say is aimed at the young adult generation, I would say casual working or middle class people due to the situation shown in the image and the genre is mainly aimed at these social classes. I think the magazine is aimed at mainly men as everybody in the image are men and also the text is quite square and rugged.

Reader Profile
Age 18-30
Working or middle class
Mainly male
Casual genre's
Indie or alternative rock

This page represents young people, I think mainly students. I think the party situation of the main image appeals mainly to students who are known to party. The young people are represented as people who like to enjoy themselves but are quite knowledgeable due to the structure of the pages.