Tuesday 22 December 2009

Basics of My Magazine Cover

The Genre my magazine will cover is drum and bass. I have chosen to cover this genre as I have an interest in this genre personally.


I have chosen to call my magazine 'Beatwave', this is because it is strongly linked to the genre 'referring to the drum beats in the genre of music. I have also chosen this name because it is short, snappy and because it is strongly related to the genre my magazine is covering is appealing to the target audience.

Cover Lines
The main cover line will be of a band called 'thirteen inch' I chose to call the band this as it is a short name which gets people wondering more about the band, such as why they are called thirteen inch, which would hopefully attract readers into purchasing the magazine to read inside. Other coverlines will be music related.

Colour Scheme
I am going to use a yellow, black and white colour scheme. I have chosen to use black and white as it is conventional of music magazines, however I am also going to use yellow, I have chosen yellow because it is a bright, exciting colour representing that of the exciting genre of drum and base.

The price of my magazine will be £1.70 which will be displayed near the barcode. I have chosen £1.70 as I believe this price is necessary for the aim of my magazine which is to provide an affordable weekly magazine for the working and middle class but still be able to be profitable.

The models i will be using for my magazine will be representative of the drum and bass genre. Just everyday people in an everyday environment. The models will be dominant from the background.