Wednesday 16 December 2009

Textual Analysis 'Kerrang!' Contents Page

The page title on this contents page is not a large font however stands out due to the change in background colour for the heading, this makes the yellow title colour to stand out. All of the section titles also have a change in background colour, this allows them to stand out a little more than the story headings and sub-headings. Most of the page is employed by many pictures. The pictures on this page are to make the page look more attractive. The colour scheme is yellow and black which is attractive but does not make more areas of the page stand out. The font is basic, simple and readable.

The institution displays a subscription offer on this page to subscribe to their magazine.

This page is to navigate the reader around the magazine. The images are all ideological of the metal genre.

Due to the boldness of the text and the musical genre I believe that the magazine is aimed more towards men. I think due to the colour scheme that the magazine is aimed at 25- 40 year olds, as it quite dull and basic.

The images on this magazine are representative of the metal genre. The images are all of bands, in action or in a seperate photo shoot and an image of an album. This represents the artists lives, normal when not performing, wild when performing and the album represents that they make music.