Wednesday 16 December 2009

Textual Analysis 'Mixmag' Contents Page

The contents page for 'mixmag' has 3 images which are linked to stories inside, these are the most dominant pictures of the page. This is to make the page look attractive by filling up much of the page, while providing useful information with the page numbers. All the written main information of a contents page is in the left third of the magazine, the font on this page is attractive but nothing to fancy, it is still readable. The page title is small but stands out as it is yellow on a black background. The section title on the left is in pink which separates it from the page title and subtitles.

The institution displays their website in the bottom corner of the contents page. This is to try and get people to visit the website.

The ideology behind this page is simply to provide the reader with a page in which they can refer, to navigate them around the magazine.

I think this magazine targets both male and female readers, this is due to the balance of masculine and feminine features on the magazine. The images look like they could be aimed more at men as they are quite dull and one is displaying alcohol, however the font is feminine as it is a curly attractive shape and there is pink text included, which is seen as a feminine colour. I believe the images are representing the 'indie' and 'pop, genre so therefore the audience would be of modern music.

I believe the images on this page represent the young 'indie and pop' genre, these are two of the most popular genres in todays society and I believe these images are representing the modern genres artists.