Wednesday 16 December 2009

Textual Analysis 'RWD' Double Page Spread

The image on this double page spread takes up about two thirds of the the spread. The image is of the group 'The Black Eyed Peas', however the image is telling us that the page is about Will-I-am, a member of the black eyed peas as he is in full cover where as the other members of the group are faded. The title of the story on the pages is not very large but reads 'will he won't he?' relating to the name of the artist. The colour scheme of the page is gold, silver, black and white, this relates to cleanness and modernness.

There is not much to suggest which magazine this double page is from, however there is a web address which is trying to get people to visit the institutions website. 

The ideas behind this double page spread is that of fans of the hip-hop genres. The ideas are modern ideas and hip hop is a very modern genre. The colour scheme being gold, silver, white and black represents the likes of the modern people as white space has become very popular in many different things such as properties, facilities as it gives off a clean modern feel, which I believe the magazine is trying to achieve with this double page spread.

The target audience of this magazine is the younger generation who are fans of the hip hop genre. I think the magazine is mainly aimed at the working class and middle class people as these are the people who listen too 'party' music, which this genre is often referred too. I think the magazine is aimed at male and female audiences as page is a of a neutral colour scheme and the genre represents both genders.

Reader Profile
Age 16- 25 
Working or middle class
Male and Female
Hip Hop  

The page is representing the artist as young which is shown through the colour scheme. They are also represented as being individual as each one of the group have a totally different look to each other and do not dress 'normal'. This is representing them, the genre and the audience, who are likely to want to be very individual too.